Thank you!

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Thank you all for the many congratulations for my birthday. I’m very grateful to all of you. I turned 65 last Friday and I am as active, full of energy and new ideas as I ever was. As I do not intend to retire in the coming 25 years my goal is to continue to do good work for our clients and partners. 45 years of my professional life I learned a lot and I hope to continue to share my experiences and ideas for at least 25 years to come.

My expertise built on trying new ventures, sometimes with limited knowledge of the outcome, learning from successes and mistakes, trying out the newest approaches, continuous learning and being an early adaptor, it all has helped me to develop myself into the person I am: every day I enjoy what I do with the people I interconnect with and there is never a dull day.

One more advice: embrace change, see the positive, dare to challenge yourself and avoid mediocracy. Be the genuine person you are.

If you want to have a chat, click here and schedule a call with me. I’ll be happy to listen to you.