As the business environment becomes tougher and more challenging, companies are looking for ways of becoming more competitive. Reorganizing the sales team is a way to increase your sales teams’ performance. Getting the right people in the right seats on the right bus and in the right direction could be a smart option when revamping a sales team.
Are there any risks when considering and deploying such a venture?
Yes! First you need to formulate the objectives you want to achieve. Then you need to formulate the strategy to get there. One of the most interesting steps comes when you need to announce the decision to reorganize. The right words are essential: these should be positive and constructive and your reasons for the call for action should be transparent.
So why should we choose for this approach?
Very simple. To avoid mistrust, demotivation, a breakdown in sales morale, and in the end decrease in sales results and the good sales people leaving the company and taking their customers to the competition.
When you approach this situation in the right way, you get: understanding, bonding, loyalty, increase in belief in you as a leader and an extra input to achieve the objectives you want to achieve with all the people who work for and with you.
Very often the positive approach combined with a Strategic Team Building session does miracles and gets your revenues in the fast lane.
Call me if you want to know more.